Calculate the real ROI of AI search in B2B

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It’s simple, in the experience economy, vendors who deliver the easiest and most efficient purchasing journey, win.

Build your business case for AI-powered search and help customers find the products and parts they need effortlessly. A better buyer experience will:  

  • Drive Incremental Revenue per Visit (RPV)
  • Reduce Manual Search Management
  • Reduce Online & Offline  Cost-to-Serve
  • Realize a Halo Effect on Offline Sales

Meet our ecommerce experts in the footwear industry and unlock the AI competitive advantage

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This partnership has enabled us to build the industry-leading search experience in Heavy Duty.
VP, Digital at Fleetpride

Next generation search, recommendations and personalization

Boost your revenue per visit by 15%. AI-powered commerce for B2C and B2B

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Our out-of-the-box integrations

When you upgrade to personalized AI-powered search, you want to work across all your platforms and content types. Coveo search layers over your existing systems making your tech stack a whole lot smarter.

AI that makes your e-commerce, service & employee digital experiences more relevant. 

People expect your business to completely understand their needs. If they feel like it doesn't, they’ll go elsewhere. The good news: You already have everything you need to completely tailor millions of experiences for millions of people. 

Coveo’s 17+ years of AI-powered search helps industry leaders stay leaders and grow

Ready to calculate your ROI? 

Chat with a member of our business value team 

All you’re missing is Coveo AI to personalize – and profitize – every interaction

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Unlock AI’s full potential with expert guidance:

Coveo AI is an endorsed SAP partner. Which means that we integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack and allow you to achieve even more with the tools your team knows and loves.

Maximize the value of your SAP Commerce:

Coveo AI is more than just SaaS. Our internal ecommerce consultants support world-class brands daily and will become partners to shape your ecommerce strategy.  

An investment with proven ROI:

While other ecommerce vendors are only just jumping on the AI trend, our in-house developers have been researching, publishing and working in this space for 17+ years. Coveo AI tech is designed to future-proof your ecommerce (regardless of whatever trend comes next).

Why Coveo AI:


Ready to calculate your ROI? 

Chat with an ecommerce expert to learn the added value B2B search will bring to your CX and bottom line.

ROI Calculator 

Estimate the value of Coveo AI-powered search, recommendations and personalization for your storefront.